Ever wondered about the newest films to come out of Hollywood? IMDb is a website devoted to listing virtually every aspect of these films and when they come out. On top of that they also have entire database of old films and pretty much every actor imaginable and what films they've been in.

If you're interested in checking out what IMDb believes are the top 125 films of all time, this may be the website for you. Either way it seems like IMDb is one of the largest film oriented databases in the world, so is it worth visiting and should it be on everyone's favorites or bookmarks list?


In regards to design and layout features, IMDb doesn't look all that professional but it seems to work for them. Overall the website looks very plain and could use some colorful backgrounds or something to make it more appealing to visitors. However since this website is the largest database for actors and films, people pretty much have no choice but to visit it.


There aren't many features present on IMDb, but there actually are mountains of information on the website. First of all, visitors can click on the Now Playing section to see what films are in theaters at the moment, and of course visitors can expect to see clips of the film and even pictures of the actors from the film.

In the next section called Movies and TV News, visitors can expect the newest from the entertainment industry. It doesn't just stick to films and movies however, as current events seem to find their way onto the news postings also.

The other sections of IMDb are fairly easy to describe, for example the DVD and Blu-Ray section of the website lists and describes new video releases and details them very well. The writers of the website aren't that bad either, so be sure to check out this website for information on new movie releases.

In addition to those features, IMDb also has its own Youtube or Veoh style video service where full episodes of several television shows are posted for free. Also, visitors can expect to see a pretty good television guide list of everything that's on right now on the most popular channels.


With all of these great informal pages devoted to Hollywood films, is IMDb worth visiting over and over again? Simply enough, yes it is, because they truly do post the newest in entertainment news for free, so pretty much everyone should check them out.

Is there any room for improvement? Not really, but it would be nice to see some more features on the website. Nevertheless, IMDb gets a seven out of ten, for being slightly above average.


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