Online Audio Converter (MP3, WAV, Ogg, WMA, M4A, AAC)

Conversion of Audio Files is always needed
and its best to have a tool which not an .exe file and more good if it is online
an free online tool for audio conversion can be found at http://media.io

the simple GUI,the fast prossesing and the good varitey made avaliable is pretty dilightful


Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions on ubuntu 11.04

To install the latest version of the VirtualBox Guest Additions for ubunu open a terminal and execute the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-utils
When done, restart the virtual machine.

Switch back to Yahoo Classic Mail !!

First Method:
A •Safe Work Around• - in Firefox or Google Chrome Browser.
(Did Not Work In IE8)
Click "Tools".....click "Options"......click "Content"
UN-check/Disable •enable JavaScript•
click OK.

Log back in to Yahoo! Mail through Your Browser -- Switch to Classic Mail....
THEN RE-Enable your Java Script.
2nd Method:
Lower your Screen Display Resolution:
When The Screen Resolution is too Low for the "New Yahoo! Mail" (formerly Beta),
A message appears asking "Do you want to switch to Mail Classic?"
Click ►"Yes"......
Once Done, RE-Set your Screen Resolution.

♦IMPORTANT NOTE -- Do The Screen Resolution in Stages!
A Screen Resolution less than the Original Setting causes Unstable Effects
in the way web pages and formats appears.

Best of Luck To You..

Prolog Tutorial

Prolog, which stands for PROgramming in LOGic, is the most widely available language in the logic programming paradigm. Logic and therefore Prolog is based the mathematical notions of relations and logical inference. Prolog is a declarative language meaning that rather than describing how to compute a solution, a program consists of a data base of facts and logical relationships (rules) which describe the relationships which hold for the given application. Rather then running a program to obtain a solution, the user asks a question. When asked a question, the run time system searches through the data base of facts and rules to determine (by logical deduction) the answer.

Among the features of Prolog are `logical variables' meaning that they behave like mathematical variables, a powerful pattern-matching facility (unification), a backtracking strategy to search for proofs, uniform data structures, and input and output are interchangeable.

Often there will be more than one way to deduce the answer or there will be more than one solution, in such cases the run time system may be asked find other solutions. backtracking to generate alternative solutions. Prolog is a weakly typed language with dynamic type checking and static scope rules.

Prolog is used in artificial intelligence applications such as natural language interfaces, automated reasoning systems and expert systems. Expert systems usually consist of a data base of facts and rules and an inference engine, the run time system of Prolog provides much of the services of an inference engine.

Prolog Tutorials :

  1. http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~liberti/public/computing/prog/prolog/prolog-tutorial.html
  2. http://okmij.org/ftp/Prolog/
  3. http://www.emu.edu.tr/aelci/Courses/d-318/D-318-Files/plbook/logic.htm
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prolog

What is DjVu?

DjVu (pronounced "déjà vu") a set of compression technologies, a file format, and a software platform for the delivery over the Web of digital documents, scanned documents, and high resolution images.

DjVu documents download and display extremely quickly, and look exactly the same on all platforms with no compatibility problems due to fonts, colors, etc. DjVu can be seen as a superior alternative to PDF and PostScript for digital documents, to TIFF (and PDF) for scanned bitonal documents, to JPEG and JPEG2000 for photographs and pictures, and to GIF for large palettized images. DjVu is the only Web format that is practical for distributing high-resolution scanned documents in color. No other format comes close.

Typical DjVu file sizes are as follows:

* bitonal scanned documents: 5 to 30KB per page at 300dpi (3 to 10 times smaller than PDF or TIFF)
* color scanned documents: 30 to 100KB per page at 300dpi (5 to 10 times smaller than JPEG).
* photos: 2 times smaller than JPEG, about the same as JPEG-2000, but the decoder/renderer is progressive and has minimal memory requirements.
* palettized images: 2 times smaller than GIF (up to 10 times if it's mostly text).
* digital (non scanned) documents: between 1 and 3 times smaller than PDF or gzipped PS (depending on the amount of pictures), but rendering, page flipping, zooming, panning are incomparably faster, and the image quality on screen desplays is much better (antialiased text, etc).

More importantly, all DjVu images render very quickly and can be smoothly zoomed and panned. Pages of a document can be turned instantly, with no annoying delay.

DjVu is used by hundreds of academic, commercial, governmental, and non-commercial web sites around the world to distribute scanned documents, digital documents, and high-resolution photos.

A short technical description of DjVu is available here.

Demos, and general information about DjVu can be found at DjVuZone.org, or at LizardTech.com.

DjVu was originally developped at AT&T Labs-Research. In March 2000, AT&T sold DjVu to LizardTech Inc. who now distributes Windows/CE/Mac plug-ins, and commercial encoders.

DjVuLibre is an open source implementation of DjVu. See the credits/history page for more details.

More Details : http://djvu.sourceforge.net/
Free Online DjVu-PDF Converter : http://www.djvu-pdf.com/

Facebook Or Spambook !!!???

people are using the popularity of Facebook to create spam messages
recently there are two new kinds of spam that are very popular

one is that of the to see who visited your profile and other of YouTube video

people should understand that we cannot check who visited our profiles
if it was so in demand Facebook itself would have added it to its features
so before clicking Allow them to use your resources just wait for a minute and rethink
ask your friend who has shared that link whether it is genuine or fake always think what is the need of this application and is it worth it to give away my information...

just to let you know what happens when your click on the Allow button

when you click Allow button you enable the application to read all your information...now you will say whats bad in that but now think of it...your information always lead to your password...this is a part of social engineering...this mostly leads to hacking...

there were reports that many thousands of user information was leaked from Facebook due to the same reason...people just blindly allow there private information to be shared...this is totally wrong

as a end note i would not suggest to completely abandon application but to use it wisely don't fall for cheap tricks and try validating the links before you click on them

BallDroppings - Just Awesome !!

BallDroppings is an addicting and noisy play-toy. It can also be seen as an emergence game. Alternatively this software can be taken seriously as an audio-visual performance instrument. Balls fall from the top of the screen and bounce off the lines you are drawing with the mouse. The balls make a percussive and melodic sound, whose pitch depends on how fast the ball is moving when it hits the line. This delightful application allows experimentation with sound and vision which will compound and intrigue you. Whether you are an adult or child, scientific brainbox or avid gamer. It doesn't have a plot, no heroine, no villain. It has no guns or alien beings. It is simply time to get creative, and those who are creative will love this.

Josh Nimoy

Particle Playground - This is real Programming...

Use your mouse to interact with the particles on the screen!

BE BOLD. Try some crazy stuff. There is much more there than what you might see at first glance.

Hit Spacebar to take a screenshot (then right-click to save)

There's much more to come, this app being a (non-sensical) physics "simulation" there are tons of fun variables to play with, and a lot of functionality "//commented out". I will soon add a simple gui so that the user can play with the gui themselves!

Pure Javascript :D

Zac Connelly

Google Gravity

"Everything that goes up must come down. But there comes a time when not everything that's down can come up."

George Burns couldn't probably imagine that his quote would eventually also be applied Google's main page.

Play with the elements and try searching whenever you get tired of it.

Do Visit !!! Its Fun !!! Click Here


London, England


Rainmeter - desktop customization platform

Rainmeter is an incredibly customizable performance meter for your PC's desktop.

Once a relatively complicated application, Rainmeter developers have increasingly striven to make the meter's interface more user friendly. This trend started with the 1.0 release and continues now that 2.0 is available. In fact, Rainmeter can do some pretty cool things to your windows desktop, and it's easier than ever now to apply new settings.

Rainmeter now comes pre-installed with a theme called "Enigma", which is a great example of how cool your desktop can look. You can add clocks, calendars, and RSS, as well as a whole range of system monitors. And that's just the beginning. Virtually everything on Rainmeter is customizable, and there are scores of other themes you can download for free to give your desktop a really personal feel.

Enigma has been included specifically because it makes your desktop into a really functional space. You can move different meter windows around on a whim, edit their skins relatively easily, tweak the transparency, and even make them disappear completely. As a way of freshening your desktop, Rainmeter is absolutely fantastic.

While Rainmeter has improved its user friendliness substantially, beginners can still easily get lost in the configuration options and settings. There's really not much reason to mess around with them at all though, unless you want to create your own look. Adding new skins is now much easier and doesn't require coding, although if you want a challenge the option to personalize with your own code is still available.

Rainmeter shows how easy it is to personalize Windows and quite effortlessly revolutionize its looks.


Pre-installed with stylish Enigma skin
Usability greatly improved
Adds great widgets to your desktop


Still room for simplification!

Madotate - 3D Desktop for Windows

If you find your desktop gets overwhelmed by too many open windows there are a number of solutions, from the extravagent like investing in a second monitor, to applications that try to give you an expanded workspace, like the spaces feature of Apple's OSX Leopard.

Madotate is a free English language version of a Japanese developed tool that adds a fourth button to the top right of your windows. Alongside close, full-screen and minimize appears a 3D button. Clicking it will transform your window into a tabbed 3D image, which takes up much less room.

The app was designed for Windows 2000/WP, but also seems to run fine in Vista. The only problem we found was with Adobe Air programs - they don't crash or slow down, but don't transform properly. This was developed before Adobe Air, and unfortunately hasn't been updated since. The 3D effect is quite cool, but if you've played with Deskspace it seems pretty basic in comparison, although Madotate has the advantage of being free.

Matodate is a resource friendly way to add a space saving 3D effect to your windows.

  • Doesn't require a lot of resources
  • Can improve space management
  • Cool 3D effect
  • Not 100% compatible with some new programs
Download : http://madotate.en.softonic.com/


How a Website Opens...

What Happens When You type a web address and Press Go ???

The terms Internet and World Wide Web are often used in every-day speech without much distinction. However, the Internet and the World Wide Web are not one and the same. The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks. In contrast, the Web is one of the services that runs on the Internet. It is a collection of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs. In short, the Web is an application running on the Internet.[22]

Viewing a web page on the World Wide Web normally begins either by typing the URL of the page into a web browser, or by following a hyperlink to that page or resource. The web browser then initiates a series of communication messages, behind the scenes, in order to fetch and display it. As an example, consider the Wikipedia page for this article with the URL

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wide_Web .

First, the browser resolves the server-name portion of the URL (en.wikipedia.org) into an Internet Protocol address using the global, distributed Internet database known as the Domain Name System (DNS); this lookup returns an IP address such as The browser then requests the resource by sending an HTTP request across the Internet to the computer at that particular address. It makes the request to a particular application port in the underlying Internet Protocol Suite so that the computer receiving the request can distinguish an HTTP request from other network protocols such as e-mail delivery; the HTTP protocol normally uses port 80. The content of the HTTP request can be as simple as the two lines of text

/wiki/World_Wide_Web HTTP/1.1
Host: en.wikipedia.org

The computer receiving the HTTP request delivers it to Web server software listening for requests on port 80. If the web server can fulfill the request it sends an HTTP response back to the browser indicating success, which can be as simple as

HTTP/1.0 200 OK

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

followed by the content of the requested page. The Hypertext Markup Language for a basic web page looks like

The World Wide Web, abbreviated as WWW and commonly known ...

The web browser parses the HTML, interpreting the markup (, for bold, and such) that surrounds the words in order to draw that text on the screen.

Many web pages consist of more elaborate HTML which references the URLs of other resources such as images, other embedded media, scripts that affect page behavior, and Cascading Style Sheets that affect page layout. A browser that handles complex HTML will make additional HTTP requests to the web server for these other Internet media types. As it receives their content from the web server, the browser progressively renders the page onto the screen as specified by its HTML and these additional resources.

Courtesy :



Why www Prefix for any website?

In the beginning every computer on the Internet had a unique address.
To send a message to one of them you worked from right to left so you
sent a message to .com which knew the address of mysite.com which knew
the address of fredscomputer.mysite.com. A convention arose so that
you could expect a service to be provided by a computer that had a
suitable name. ftp.mysite.com handled all the FTP file transfers and
pop3.mysite.com handled all the incoming mail. Similarly, the computer
named www located at mysite.com is expected to handle all the http

The concept is simple but since there are a few computers on the way
they are likely to do some translations for you. If you enter
mysite.com into your browser it may translate it to www.mysite.com
before it accesses the Internet. A computer at mysite.com, or along
the way, could send all http requests to the machine called
fredscomputer.mysite.com but that computer can be programmed to
display the location as www.mysite.com. It may forward some requests
to another computer called www2.mysite.com. To add to the confusion
there can be a few hundred computers cooperating to look like one
computer called, for example, www.google.com.

Courtesy :

Shortcut Key to Switch Between Tabs (Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera)

Using shortcut key to switch between tabs can save a lot of time. I have no idea how many Internet users who know the keyboard shortcuts, but I’m pretty sure that there are some users who still don’t know the keys yet. So, here you are.

The keyboard shortcut keys to switch between tabs in browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and IE is Ctrl + Tab and Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Ctrl + Tab : to switch to the next tab

Ctrl + Shift + Tab : to switch to the previous tab

The keyboard shortcuts below serve the same function and can be used in Firefox, Chrome, Opera and IE, but not in Opera

Ctrl + Page Up : to switch to the previous tab

Ctrl + Page Down : to switch to the next tab

Furthermore, you can also jump to certain tab with Ctrl + the number of tab (again, this doesn’t work in Opera)

For example, you can go to tab no. 2 instantly by pressing Ctrl + 2.

Or, jump to tab 4 directly by pressing Ctrl + 4

Ctrl + 9, on the other hand, is used to jump to the last tab, not the 9th tab.


10 Easy to Use Online Network Tools

There are 1000’s out there, but here are 10 easy to use online network tools.

In our support work, we find that network issues, especially DNS related items, account for the majority of tickets. Email is the most common problem reported by clients using our server management service, but localized network outages, slow sites and many other issues can be trace to network issues.

Using the tools on these sites can help you better pinpoint network issues or provide details your service provider may be requesting.

DNS Tools

DNSStuff is one of our favorite tools. You have to pay to some of the features but if you are regularly handling DNS issues, the fee is well worth it. TheDNSReport tool alone is worth the price of a subscription. Anytime we see potential DNS issues, this is our go to site.

Whois Tools

DomainTools provides very detailed and easy to use Whois information. Whois tells you who owns a domain. With a paid subscription, you can get domain history, which could be useful if you are looking to buy a domain or tracking down a domain owner. In addition to domain registration information, you can also get server stats, site profiles and other metrics with a few quick clicks.

Network Monitoring Tools

Alerta provides some great paid network monitoring services, but the tool we like best is their free Spot Check tool. This tool will attempt to access your URLfrom a variety of geographic locations, this is very useful for determining if a server outage is indeed your server, your server provider’s network or a local network issues.

CentralOps provides a number of simple and advanced tools. Best of all they are free. One of the best tools here is the “Email Dossier” which can dig up important information about an email address and even test a connection to an email server.


Robtex is and oldie and goodie. Rather tech heavy on the interface but provides some very detailed network diagnostics. When you visit, it immediately analyzes your computer’s IP address and provides links to routes, whois, and other advanced networking information.


My-Addr.com provides many tools. While the interface may not be pretty, there are several great tools here. There are some nice geo-IP information lookup tools and email diagnostics available. When DNSstuff does not do it for you, you may want to check out this site.

Email Diagnostic Tools

MXToolbox is an essential site for anything related to email. The “Email Header Analyzer” can help you dissect email headers to pinpoint who’s really sending you that email. The SPF record check is also useful if you are usingSPF on your domains.

IP information Tools

Whatismyipaddress? Just visit this site and find out your IP. Providing your IP to your service provider is often essential for diagnostics. Just visit this site and it will give you your public IP.

Whatsmyip.org is another IP information site with a view added tools. There is a “more info about you” option that display all of the information it can gleam from you visiting their site. Web analytic programs use this information to track your activity on the web.


IPChicken. I don’t understand the name, but like sending clients here to get their public IP.

Check out my previous tutorial on how-to run a traceroute, if you are looking for more detailed network diagnostics.

Your Favorites?

Let me know your favorites. Free or paid. I love to find easy to use networking tools for our clients.

Credits :
10 Easy to Use Online Network Tools - rackAID

Multiple Home Pages with Mozilla Firefox OR Internet Explorer 7

Now that Internet Explorer has caught up (sort of) with modern browsers, I wanted to point out yet another function of tabbed browsing (click here for the popular and informative tabbed browsing tip ). If you like to check multiple sites every day or maybe use your browsing sessions for research, let your browser do some of the work for you by opening multiple pages at the same time.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open the first page you would like to see every time you start Firefox
  2. Click File –> New –> Tab (or Ctrl + T) to open a new tab
  3. Open the next page you want to see every time you start Firefox
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for as many pages as you want to open automatically
  5. Click Tools –> Options from the menus
  6. Click the "Main" button at the top of the options screen
  7. Click "Use Current Pages" button in the Startup section
  8. Click the OK button at the bottom of the screen

Internet Explorer 7 (IE7)

  1. Open the first page you would like to see every time you start IE7
  2. Click File –> New –> Tab (or Ctrl + T) to open a new tab, or click the new tab button next to the current tab
  3. Open the next page you want to see every time you start IE7
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for as many pages as you want to open automatically
  5. Click Tools –> Internet Options from the menus
  6. Click "Current" button in the Home page section
  7. Click the OK button at the bottom of the screen

OR after opening the tabs you want to set as your home pages:

  1. Click the little arrow next to the "Home" icon on the toolbar
  2. Click Add or Change home page
  3. Click use current tab set as your home page
  4. Click OK

Now when you start your browser, instead of being limited to just one page opening, you can get many.

Source : http://helpmerick.com/open-multiple-home-pages-with-mozilla-firefox-or-internet-explorer-7-video-tip.htm


7 Sites to Send Free SMS Without Ads India

I wanted to post specially categorized post for this topic that contain only those links for free SMS that let you send ads free SMS or without any ads or simply no ads. There are some sites that let you send long SMS and without ads,Bollywoodmotion is one of them.

A normal message has 160 characters limit is it is full. Most of the MS providers companies does not let you use this limit and you can use only 120 character or 110 character or 90 something. And remaining space they use for paid advertisements. So now some services has already come that will let you use all 160 characters.

(1) Whozzat
You can send long SMS up to 470 characters using this survive. You can send free SMS without any ads. I do not know if this feature is for free users because they provide premium service too.

(2) SMSfame
SMSfame is another service that let you send ad free SMS unlimited, so you can use 160 characters with your SMS.

(3) Freesms8
Freesms8 is also in this list and let you send ads free SMS. You can send free group SMS. The site has some other features or services that you can use as ringtones, mp3 songs, games, classified etc.

(4) Total160
Yes you can use all 160 characters. And there will be no ads. You can send schedule SMS.

(5) Smsti
I have already discussed about this service in one of my previous posts, this site let you send free SMS of 160 characters without login or signup.

(6) Fullonsms
On this site there is nowhere mentioned that you can use full characters but its name is suggesting and I have found reference for this site so I have included this site in this post.

(7) Atrochatro
Atrochatro is already a popular name is SMS world but I just cant trust because site is known for sending SMS without login but you have to login so there is no surety you can send 160 characters , perhaps they will have limit. I have not tried this service yet. There is not mentioned about this.

from : http://techshali.com/7-sites-to-send-free-sms-without-ads-india/


Tag Cloud

A tag cloud (keyword cloud, or weighted list in visual design) is a visual depiction of user-generated tags, or simply the word content of a site, typically used to describe the content of web sites. Tags are usually single words and are normally listed alphabetically, and the importance of each tag is shown with font size or color. Thus, it is possible to find a tag alphabetically and by popularity. The tags are usually hyperlinks that lead to a collection of items that are associated with a tag. Sometimes, further visual properties are manipulated, such as the font color, intensity, or weight.

Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds

Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fons, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.

this is a example of the tag cloud i formed of this blog itself...



Blog This! : Communicate - Google Chrome Help

Blog This! : Communicate - Google Chrome Help

This extension adds a Blog This! button to the toolbar that you can click to create a new Blogger post. The new post is pre-populated with a link to the web page you're on, as well as any text you've highlighted on that page. Edit the post to your liking and post it instantly to your blog! Learn more about Blogger

To learn more about the extension, visit itshomepage in the Extensions Gallery. You can discover even more extensions in the gallery.

For More Details and Installation : click here


How to Download a file FREE from Megaupload

hey friends new to Internet??

no problem...even i had problem to download from Megaupload

i have here presented a very simple guide to download a file from Megaupload

suppose you have a link like : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=95EQNMR5 which is the link to download CCleaner 3.04.1389 

Step 1

Copy the link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=95EQNMR5 and paste it in our web browsers address bar and press enter

Step 2

now when the site is loaded you can see many option the main two options are PREMIUM DOWNLOAD and the timer below it

now there it is noted to " Please wait 42 seconds" so  just relax for than many seconds

Step 3

after the timer comes to 0 then the page looks somewhat like this

now just click on the regular download there will pop-up as to download the file

save it where you like and this is done

if you have any doubt then you can comment your doubts...:)

hope you find this helpful...


TinEye - Reverse Search Engine

Supposed you have a image or picture that your friend gave you or you downloaded it yourself but then you don't know the site you took it from or just couldn't remember it then what will you do if you want the same or similar image???

there is a solution, a really simple one that is TinEye


TinEye is a reverse image search engine. You can submit an image to TinEye to find out where it came from, how it is being used, if modified versions of the image exist, or to find higher resolution versions.

TinEye is the first image search engine on the web to use image identification technology rather than keywords, meta-data or watermarks. It is free to use for non-commercial searching.

TinEye regularly crawls the web for new images, and they also accept contributions of complete online image collections. To date, TinEye has indexed 1,930,458,259 images from the web to help you find what you're looking for.

For more information, please see their website : http://www.tineye.com/


[SOLVED] The Message Symbol Keeps Flashing In Nokia Phone

there is a constant message flashing symbol just besides the battery bar sometimes
it is due to the full memory..the memory may be phone memory or memory card..
if both the memory have sufficient space then ur SIM card memory is full for that

"Select and delete all the Sim messages that should stop the Sim full error...."

Yeah, I had this problem too! :-) What it usually means is the SIM card`s message memory is full, but if you wipe the SIM card`s messages the envelope goes away. Here`s how to do it:

1. Go to Messaging
2. Select Options
3. Select SIM messages
4. Select and delete all the SIM message

That Should Stop The SIM SMS Full

Left click opens Properties or Right Click options

I’ve run more and more in to this problem with Keyboards and Mice related to a lock up of one of them. This is during normal user activities and results in the Left Mouse button not opening a program but the programs properties. You can still right click and do open however this is a pain.

I learned the solution Just Now When I Was reading a blog


He gave a simple fix which is given below

Fix: You must do all of these at the same time. Left Hand = LCtrl + LAlt + LShift while Right Hand = RCtrl + RAlt + RShift = Keyboard and Mouse reset.

To clarify hold down all Ctrl+Alt+Shift at the same time.

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