Project jaNET!

jaNET is a Digital Life Assistant inspired from JARVIS on Iron Man movie.


The virtual she-butler comes to life through project jaNET, a platform ready to host multiple creative and innovative pieces of code concerning domestic everyday tasks.
jaNET provides a built in framework to fulfil most of our daily information manners (like e-mail notification, weather conditions etc) but it can also be extend by wrapping 3rd party applications, processes or scripts in order to become a more flexible and smart system!

Some built in functions (currently 23) and commands, are explained below and used for the final custom synthesis.

User and Greetings
%user% - get user login
%daypart% and %partofday% - get the current part of the day (morning, noon, evening, afternoon, night, midnight)
%salute% - get the human greets like good morning, good evening and good afternoon

Weather (retrieve information from yahoo web service)
%todayday% - get the current day
%todayconditions% - get the today conditions as partly cloudy, sunny etc
%todaylow% - get current day low temperature
%todayhigh% - get current day high temperature
%tomorrowday% - get the day after
%tommorowconditions% - get the day after conditions as partly cloudy, sunny etc
%tommorowlow% - get day after low temperature
%tommorowhigh% - get day after high temperature

%day% - get system day
%time% - get current system time
%time24% - get the current system time in 24
%date% - get current system date

%mailnum% - returns the number of a pop3 mail account that you have setup
%inetcon% - if it has an internet connection

%whereami% - retrieves information have been sent from my mobile phone gps. The phone runs a custom python script that sends the location to a web service which produce a google maps page. This function is responsible to extract the readable address

System Console
%cls% and %clear% - clearing the console
%quit% and %exit% - terminate program

2.1. Bluetooth
set bluetooth on - enable bluetooth
set bluetooth enable - enable bluetooth
set bluetooth off - disable bluetooth
set bluetooth disable - disable bluetooth
get bluetooth state - returns the state of bluetooth as boolean (true/false)
get bluetooth status - returns the state of bluetooth as boolean (true/false)

2.2. Mail
set mail add - setup a pop3 account for %mailnum% function
set mail check - enable mail check every x milliseconds
set mail check off - disable mail check
set mail check 0 - disable mail check
get mail settings - returns pop3 settings
get mail state - returns the number of ms, 0 if it is disabled
get mail status - returns the number of ms, 0 if it is disabled

2.3. Sms
set sms add - supports Clickatel sms gateway
get sms settings - returns sms settings

2.4. Alarm, wake up call
set alarm add


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