Anti-virus software failed to delete virus from USB Drive
One run of the anti-virus software and the virus will be history is what I thought. However removing the virus from the USB drive proved to be a lot more difficult task than I had initially guessed. I was left scratching my head for sometime. Why the hell did the USB drive continue to be infected by the virus?Frustrated I consulted my best friend ….Google. Well I had overlooked a simple concept. The virus had made itself read-only. No wonder the poor anti-virus software was identifying it but failed to remove the virus.
To remove the virus from usb drive you need to
Remove Virus from USB Drive
1. Go to Start—-Run. Type cmd and hit enter. This will bring up the command prompt.
2. Type the drive name of the USB drive and hit enter.
3. In command prompt type attrib -r -a -s -h *.* and press enter. This will remove the Read Only, Archive, System and hidden file attribute from all the files.
4. Now just delete the files using the command del filename
That’s it. The virus has been removed from the USB drive.
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