Intel core 2 duo, Intel dual core and Intel Pentium D are the 3 type of processors from the chip maker intel. However not many people are sure about the exact difference between the 3.
The confusion of Intel core 2 duo, Intel dual core and Intel Pentium D
The confusion between Intel core 2 duo and Intel dual core primarily resulted from a stupid naming convention by Intel. 2 and dual may be synonyms in English but that does not make Intel core 2 duo vs Intel dual core any more similar. The similarity of names makes even many computer geeks confused when asked to do a comparison of Intel core 2 duo and Intel dual core.
Intel Pentium D CPU comprises of two dies, each containing a single core residing next to each other on a multi-chip module package. The Pentium D consumes a relatively high power. It runs very hot and is not a good OverClocker.
Intel Dual Core
Intel Dual Core is the first dual-core CPU from Intel. The Dual core makes use of two cores on a single die i.e it has two chips in one package. It solves the problem of overheating of Intel Pentium D without compromising on the performance.
Intel Core 2 Duo
Intel Core 2 Duo processors are the next gen processors from Intel. It is developed with a new Architecture called Core. The new architecture of Intel core2 duo makes it a lot better processor that runs cool. Most importantly the Intel core2 duo is a super over clocker.
I hope the comparison between Intel core2 duo and Intel dual core has made the decission of choosing a better processor for your laptop comparatively easier. Let me know if you still have any concerns in the comments and I shall answer them after more research.
Intel Dual Core is the first dual-core CPU from Intel. The
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