How do I tell if I have 32 bit or 64 bit ?

According to the MS XP Newsgroups, this question is being asked almost as much as questions about the Blaster virus lately.

Here are a few ways that you can tell whether you have the 32 Bit or 64 Bit version.
Right click My Computer, click Properties.
If you have a 64 bit computer, *it will say 64 bit on that page*.
Also 64 bit is available for Windows XP Pro *not Windows XP Home*.

Go to Kelly's Korner XP site at the link below and scroll all the way down to:
Do you have a 32 or 64 bit in XP?
You'll see 2 downloads, 1 for an .exe file and 1 for a .vbs file that will tell you. Here's the link.


NOTE: I can not personally vouch as to just what the .exe file will do, but I would trust it from her site.

I did open the .vbs file and it is quite safe to run.

This manual method will accomplish the same as the .vbs file above

Go to Start/Run/CMD and type in: systeminfo.
System Type will probably read: X86

Or go to Start/Run/Regedit and navigate to this key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment.

In the right pane: Processor_Architecture should read: x86 for 32 bit.

You *cannot* buy XP 64-bit edition "off the shelf" in *any* software store, or off of *any* retail outlet.

If you're running 64-bit WinXP, at the *minimum* you're using it in a professional engineering or scientific environment, and most likely have an IT department taking care of these things for you.

I hope this helps to clear this up.
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